Nova Wiki

Most of the stuff here is completely made up, but some of it is modified from other fictional works, such as Crysis or Undertale or Plazma Burst 2. While we are directly using some of the content, we try to personalize it as much as possible. We do not claim any affiliation with any company who made content which we are using. We are using the content as a kind of "Alternate Universe" type thing where some things remain the same, but a lot is changed. For example, CELL from Crysis- The name and general use are the same, and the Ceph are also incorporated into Nova lore, but we will not claim credit for the idea, we will simply claim credit for our modifications. If you wish to have your content referenced with a name to the creator, then give us the creator's info and we will try to do so in a list below.


Plazma Burst 2 (Some of the guns in CELL's ranks, such as the Railguns and Alien Rifles are mentioned but only really used in this game) by Eric Gurt

Crysis (For CELL and the Ceph)

The Ark (Discord)

CELL (Discord)

UNDERTALE (Various references and some boss themes)



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